

Welcome Graffiti Games and Curve Digital!


About six months ago, my colleagues and I decided to launch a new game pack every week on Legacy Games. Given that each game pack includes 3, 5, 10 or 15 games, that decision translated into a big effort for everyone involved. Constantine, our intrepid game finder, had to amp up his search for new games to distribute. Amanda, our project manager, worked overtime figuring out which games can be packaged together and how to merchandise them. Magne, our webmaster, swiftly launched the titles on our website as well as Amazon and

At the same time, we made a conscious decision to create more Indie game packs. (We consider Indie games to be games from small developers that introduce some innovation and variety into game play.)

The conversation between me and the team went something like this:

ME: At the rate we are launching new game packs, we will run out of hidden object games sometime in 2022. What should we do?

TEAM: Indie games, especially the puzzle ones, are so much fun to play. Why don’t we sell them?

ME: We could, but do you think our customers will like them?

TEAM: Don’t know. Hidden object games are clearly everyone’s favorite, but they’re just a type of visual puzzle, so maybe?

ME: OK, let’s see what happens. Let’s distribute indie puzzle, arcade, platformer, story games… you know, the family friendly ones. And only those games that get excellent reviews on Steam.

TEAM: Roger. Fingers crossed!

Since that fateful day, Legacy Games has been steadily finding and selling more and more great Indie games. Some of my favorites include: Kingdom, Wanderlust: Travel Stories, Lyne, and Evergarden. All of our Indie games get “very positive” reviews on Steam, and Legacy bundles them together with other similar products to create a unique and value-packed collection for our customers.

Two new companies recently joined the ranks at Legacy Games: Curve Digital and Graffiti Games. Both are well known in the Indie community for representing popular, fun and quirky games by great developers. Legacy is distributing Curve’s Human Fall Flat game in Walmart stores, and we couldn’t be prouder. As the first in our new Game Gems line, Human Fall Flat has sold more than 2,000,000 games overall, and is beloved by customers.

And from Graffiti Games, we just launched three of their best titles – Turnip Boy, Blue Fire, and Cyber Hook – on our website. They are funny and fun, combining puzzles, traps, quests, and some of the wackiest heroes ever! And in keeping with our pricing policies, this awesome bundle, worth $50 elsewhere, will be priced at $9.99 on Legacy Games.

Don’t miss out! Stay tuned for more news about our ever-evolving game lineup!


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