

If at First You Don’t Succeed…


When I think back on my 30+ year career, there are a few mistakes that stand out. One I regret the most was my decision to stop supporting our first successful mobile game, Atlantis: Pearls of the Deep. It was featured more than 100 times in various Apple and Google mobile stores and downloaded more than 1M times in the first few weeks. Reviews were great: It’s a wonderfully unique twist on a familiar formula, and an easy pick for our Match 3 Game of the Year. (Gamezebo, 2012)

Atlantis: Pearls of the Deep

Unfortunately, ten years ago we didn’t really understand how to monetize a FTP game. The money from ads wasn’t sufficient to support further development. Other opportunities beckoned. I lost interest and Atlantis: Pearls of the Deep languished…until now.


I am very, very happy to announce that Legacy has released an entirely new version of the original game, called Pearls of AtlantisIt employs the same, wonderfully creative match 3 with physics gameplay as the original, but that’s where the similarities end. There are all new characters, story, and setting. The “core loop” (as game designers say) involves solving puzzle levels and earning stars, which is turn allow you to repair Atlantis’ Cove of Memories and restore its original beauty. Legacy is partnered in this project with Alder Games, the developer of the original Atlantis: Pearls of the Deep game, and an extremely talented team based in Hungary.


Please download the beta version of Pearls of Atlantis, iOS or Android, and give it a whirl. Game design is not a science, and we rely on data gleaned from the gameplay of users to make decisions about what needs to change and what content to add. That is the purpose of releasing a beta version. Plus, I really think you will enjoy playing the game.

On iOS, click HERE to download the beta with TestFlight. And on Android, click HERE to download it with Google Play. Or, scan the QR code below with your mobile device:

Thank you! And there’s more to come. The story’s just beginning…


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