

Get to Know the Dev Team Behind Pearls of Atlantis: Cove of Memories!


by Kelly Lallemand

Get to Know the Dev Team Behind Pearls of Atlantis: Cove of Memories!

To get ready for the game’s full release in Fall 2022, we sat down to interview Andras, the game producer on the Pearls of Atlantis: Cove of Memories team. He shared with us a lot of interesting, behind the scenes insights and great game development stories! Take a look!


Q: A lot of people love the game! What part are you and the team most proud of?

The core physics and the feel of the core gameplay mechanics feel so polished and provides the players with a tactile experience. It feels like dropping glass marbles! We put in hard work for mobile capabilities and we’re really happy we pulled that off; it’s really close to what we had planned originally.

Q: What’s the team breakdown?

There’s 8 people on our team. We have me, the game producer and programmer too. Then there’s one more programmer, a lead artist and additional artist, and a technical artist who can code, shade, and animate as well. After that is our account developer, the quality assurance lead and additional tester, and finally our data engineering team.

They all do great work and we’re so lucky to have an awesome team!

Q: What would a team meeting look like?

Everybody’s free to come up with new ideas! We plan ahead, make a list of what to go over during the meeting, and follow that direction.

Q: Does the team have some interesting stories about the game you’d like to share?

We’ve got three!

Our lead developer is also our audio designer and music composer. He actually bought hundreds of glass marbles and beads to check how they bounce off each other, how they fall in water, and how they sound. We’re continuously balanced between physical realism and fun gameplay to have the most immersive puzzle experience for the game. The sound of colliding pearls are actually recorded during this research process: grown up men playing with glass marbles.

For testing purposes we had a simple AI in the game that played levels continuously to stress test the game logic and physics systems. In one of the previous releases, there was a way where players could accidentally activate this feature and complete zen mode levels while being away. We disabled the feature after that.

While working on the visual representation of this reboot, we spent a lot of time on modeling the look of the pearls. Each color has different internal textures swirling inside them, resulting in a unique 3D movement feel as they are rolling around. Pearls are small and there’s no time to check this little detail during gameplay, so it is a subtle, but nice touch to provide the best looking pearls/marbles ever in mobile puzzle games.

Q: Awesome! So what can players look forward to in the future?

We are working on a new game mode and limited time events! More chapters too!


That all sounds wonderful! Thanks Andras and PACM Team! 🧜‍♀️💦

Be sure to check out Pearls of Atlantis: Cove of Memories on Google Play to play right now for free!


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